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Comenius multilateral schools partnership project
Your Europe-democratic shaping and sharing


English essay competition for Classes 10-12


The ideas of the Greek democracy and further democratic movements

The aims of the competition:

     To gather the information about historical development of democracy starting from ancient Greece and their impact on modern societies;

     To find out about the development of the democratic movements in Latvia;

     To develop writing skills in English and improve students’ skills to show their opinion about the issue being discussed in the essay.

     The process of writing

  • Students gather  information about the topic and get ready for the essay writing in the classroom:  February 8-13.

  • Students write essays on the given topic during the English lesson on the 14th of February. While writing notes and dictionaries are not allowed to be used.

  • At the end of the lesson, essays have to be  handed in and are going to be evaluated by 18th of February.

  • The students get marks in English.

  • The best essays are going to be uploaded on the Comenius project website: and the home page of Kaunata Secondary School:


Konkurss 10.-12.klašu skolēniem!!!


Comenius projekta ietvaros tiek organizēts skolēnu veidoto CD prezentāciju un filmu konkurss.

          Konkursa tēmas:

  1. Cilvēktiesības

  2. Grieķu demokrātijas idejas un demokrātijas attīstība Latvijā.


Konkursa norise

Skolēni veido filmu vai CD prezentāciju par kādu no tēmām. Var strādāt individuāli vai pāros. Materiālam jābūt angļu valodā. Ja tā ir filma, tad ar subtitriem angļu valodā.



Darbus vērtēs Comenius projektā iesaistītie pedagogi(S.Brokāne, E.Astiča, A.Klismete, D.Maslovska, I.Paramonova, J.Klismets, S.Meļņičenko)saskaņā ar atlases kritērijiem.

2 labāko darbu autoriem tiks nodrošināta piedalīšanās Comenius projekta sanāksmē Bulgārijā no 17.03. līdz 22.03. 2013.


Darbi jāiesniedz projekta satura koordinatorei A.Klismetei līdz 4. februārim.

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